A Fun Sewing Project: Easy Fabric Applique Pillow Cover

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a great week. I can’t believe July is gone and we are now in August. Summer is really going by fast. A couple of weeks ago, we took a family vacation to Branson, Missouri. It was nice to get away and enjoy our time together. We had so much fun! We went to several museums, Silver Dollar City, tour rides and even a canoe trip. If you get the chance, I highly recommend taking a trip there at least once in your life. We had a great July, but August will be even better and busier with our baby’s first birthday and our son’s first year of school. Prepare yourself for picture overload! 🙂

Here’s a few pictures from our vacation:

PicMonkey Collage

For today’s project, I want to show you an easy way to use your favorite fabrics to spruce up a solid pillow cover. No major sewing skills required!!



Supplies Needed:

1 – Pillow cover (mine was purchased from Southern Home Blanks and is approximately 12″ X 16″)

1 – bag of Poly Fil or pillow insert to match dimensions of your cover

4 different scrap pieces of fabric (I used Tomahawk Stripe, Swifting Flora Swell, Buck Forest in Mustard, and Archery Rain. Click the links to purchase fat quarters from my store.)

HOME template <Click here to download>

Sewing machine and coordinating thread (I used white thread)



Step 1:

Start by cutting out each letter of your HOME template


Step 2:

Next, using the paper template for each letter, trace and cut out each letter from your fabric pieces.

*Note: For the “O”, I cut 4 pieces of different fabrics in different sizes to create a flower look. This part can be modified to your liking. For instance, try using another shape for the “O” such as a silhouette of your home state, an animal, or other shape you are proud to promote in your “Home”.

Step 3:

Using the zigzag stitch on your sewing machine, stitch each letter to the cover making sure the stitches grab both the fabric and the cover.

*Note: For the “O”, I sewed each piece down using a single stitch just to tack it down. The edges will fray over time, but in essence, you will still have the overall look of a “scrappy” applique 🙂


Step 4:

Stuff your pillow and enjoy!


Have a great rest of the week!

Be blessed,





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